
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Project Timeline - EDLD 5326 - Week 3

Obtain approval from Principal and Travis County Administrators

Principal, School liaison (Christa Etheridge), Travis County Administrators

The school liaison (me) will be responsible for making sure the timeline is follwed.  I will obtain initial buy in and approval from my campus principal and Travis County administrators to partner with a mentor organization to provide mentors for students.  I will explain the need for mentors using current student data such as risk factors and low student achievement.  I will present research findings to demonstrate the poitive effects that a mentoring program can have on student achievement.
June 2013
Form a committee of stakeholders and hold an informal meeting
Principal, School liaison (Christa Etheridge), Mentor Organization representative, Teachers, School Counselors, Travis County Leadership Counselors, Probation Officers, Travis County Administrators, parents
At our first meeting, stakeholders will discuss the possibility of a partnership.  Stakeholders will discuss what each party can contribute to the partnership.  The team will discuss the resources required such as school counselors, teachers, Travis County counselors and support staff, mentors, funding, and the school facility to hold meetings, as well as how they will be obtained.  The committee will also determine what funding is needed to start and maintain the program, and also the types of possible funding sources, such as title one funds, donations, and grants.  The committee will agree on a date for a follow up meeting to determine roles and develop the plan.
June 2013
Determine roles and responsibilities of key staff members responsible for the program

Principal, School liaison (Christa Etheridge), Mentor Organization representative, Teachers, School Counselors, Travis County Leadership Counselors, Probation Officers, Travis County Administrators, parents
Identify key staff members responsible for the program, and clearly define their roles and responsibilities.  The mentor organization will have the primary responsibility for the operations of the mentoring program.  I will serve as the school liaison. 
July 2013

Develop a plan and measurable goals for implementation. 

Principal, School liaison (Christa Etheridge), Mentor Organization representative, Teachers, School Counselors, Travis County Leadership Counselors, Probation Officers, Travis County Administrators, parents
Collaboratively develop a clear statement of our purpose and goals, discuss the selection or matching plan for tutor-mentors to students, and develop a schedule for the tutor-mentors to meet with students. Determine how the program will be evaluated.  This will all be documented in a written agreement.
July 2013

Mentor recruitment, selection, and orientation

Mentor organization representative and staff, School liaison (Christa Etheridge), Travis County Administrators
The mentor organization will be responsible for recruiting and selecting mentors.  The mentors will be given training provided by the mentor organization, and will also go through a short orientation provided by Travis County and the school.  The mentor will be provided with activities to use when working with students such as reading books together, having lunch together, and helping with homework.  The students will also be involved in deciding how the pair will spend their time together.

July – August 2013

Inform parents and students and obtain parental  consent

School liaison (Christa Etheridge), counselors, Parents, Students
The school will inform all parents and students about the program by including a description in the school newsletter, mailing a brochure of information home, placing flyers on bulletin boards in visitation areas, and talking directly to parents.  If the parents are Spanish speaking, a translated copy of all materials will be included.  Parents will sign a permission form allowing their child to be mentored. 
August 2013

Informal assessment to match students with mentors                         

School liaison (Christa Etheridge), mentor organization representative, counselors, students
A thoughtful matching process will increase the chance that the mentor and student will develop a beneficial relationship.  The students will be given an informal assessment to identify their interests, needs, and strengths.  The match will be made by focusing first on the interests and needs of the particular student, and then take into account the mentor’s skills, interests, and preferences. 
August 2013
Mentors meet with students once a week during the school year

Mentors, students, School liaison (Christa Etheridge), mentor organization representative
The students will be meeting with their mentors at least once a week while they are in the residential treatment facility, but mentors will continue to provide their guidance after the student is released.  The tutor-mentor will be provided with activities to use when working with students such as reading books together, having lunch together, working on specific skills, and helping with homework.  The students will also be involved in deciding how the pair will spend their time together.
September 2013  – May 2014 (once a week)

Host a family night once a month

Principal, School liaison (Christa Etheridge), Mentor Organization representative, Teachers, School Counselors, Travis County Leadership Counselors, parents, students
Host a family night once a month where the mentor-tutors meet with students and their parents to develop relationships and discuss student progress.  This will be a time to give parents updates on how students are doing, and also support parents by providing them with suggested strategies for working with the students once they are released from the program.
September 2013  – May 2014
(once a month)

Program Evaluation and Data Analysis

School liaison (Christa Etheridge), Mentor Organization representative, Teachers, School Counselors, Travis County Leadership Counselors, parents, students
The effectiveness of the program will be evaluated at the end of the school year.  At this time, we will identify whether goals and objectives have been met.  This will be done by soliciting feedback from all stakeholders through formal surveys.  In addition, data will be collected and analyzed from the participants such as test scores, grades, behavior reports, attendance reports, and class participation reports.

June 2014
Report evaluation results to stakeholders and make plans to continue the program the next school year.

Principal, School liaison (Christa Etheridge), Mentor Organization representative, Teachers, School Counselors, Travis County Leadership Counselors, Probation Officers, Travis County Administrators, parents
The evaluation results will be presented to all stakeholders.  A final report will be generated that includes information about the effectiveness of the program, the data collected, and the results.  This report will be mailed to all stakeholders, including parents.  This report will also be shared at a meeting with stakeholders.  The results will be used to make improvements for the next school year.
June 2014


  1. Your timeline looks good, Christa. The only thing I saw that I had a question about was how you were going to present the results to stakeholders?

  2. Christa, I thought your timeline was well documented. Good job!
