
Friday, February 8, 2013

Action Planning Template Revision

The meeting with my site supervisor went extremely well.  She was very pleased with the plan, and said that she thought it was an important research project to conduct and looked forward to the results.   

She did have two questions that led to some minor revisions.  First, she asked if I received permission to implement the tutoring from the Travis County facility supervisors.  I explained that I met with them and made sure that they reviewed and accepted the proposal before implementation.  Another question that she asked was about parent communication.  She wanted to know if I planned to share the progress of the students with parents.  Since my students are living in a residential treatment facility, parents will have to be given updates by phone or written communication.  I decided to include updates through progress reports that are already sent home every six weeks.   

My site supervisor suggested that I include both of the steps suggested into the plan.  I revised the original planning template to include the collaboration with Travis County supervisors step and the parent communication step as well.  I agree that they are both critical steps of the research project and should be included in my plan.

Here is a revised copy of my action planning template.

Action Planning Template
Goal: Determine the effectiveness of an in school tutoring program for reading intervention.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

1. Meet with the director of the Austin Learning Center to discuss possibilities of an in school tutoring program that focuses on reading improvement for secondary students reading significantly below grade level.

1. Christa Etheridge

2.  Director of Austin Learning Center

December 17, 2012


Tutoring options discussed and a plan is developed

2.  Assess students identified as reading below grade level using the research based STAR Reading Assessment.

1.  Christa Etheridge

2.  Austin Learning Center Tutor

January 23, 2013 – January 24, 2013

STAR Reading Assessment, computer

STAR Reading Assessment Results

3. Meet with the director of the Austin Learning Center and the school counselor to analyze the results and create a schedule for tutoring.

1.  Christa Etheridge

2.  Director of Austin Learning Center

January 25, 2013


Analysis of results, students chosen, schedule created

4.  Meet with Travis County Supervisors to review and accept proposed schedule. 

1.  Christa Etheridge
2.  Travis County Supervisors

January 25, 2013


Completed review and proposal acceptance by Travis County

5.  Review and accept proposal from the Austin Learning Center which includes the total number of tutoring hours and cost.

1.  Christa Etheridge

2.  Lead Teacher

January 28, 2013


Completed review and proposal acceptance

6. Develop a tutoring plan for each student based on assessed reading needs.

1. Director of Austin Learning Center

January 28, 2013 – January 29, 2013

STAR Reading Assessment Reports

Individual student intervention plans completed

7.  Tutors from the Austin Learning Center will provide a reading intervention program to identified students during their Delta/Study Lab class.
The tutoring will be twice a week, for at least 15 weeks.
As new students enroll in school, they will be given an assessment.  Those requiring intervention will be tutored as space becomes available (as students are withdrawn from school).

1.  Austin Learning Center Tutors

January 30, 2013 – May 15, 2013

Tutors, Challenger Reading Program, Read Naturally Reading Program

Progress monitoring through data collected during each tutoring session

8.  Ongoing communication with parents about the progress of the intervention.

1. Christa Etheridge

January 30, 2013 – May 15, 2013
(once each 6 weeks)

Progress reports, teacher reports

Parent feedback

9.  Students will be given a post-test using the STAR Reading Assessment before they are released from the Residential Treatment Facility, or at the end of the tutoring program.

1.  Christa Etheridge

2.  Austin Learning Center Tutors

May 15, 2013

STAR Reading Assessment, Computer, tutors

STAR Reading Assessment post test results

10. The data will be analyzed and a report will be created on the effectiveness of the tutoring program.

1.  Christa Etheridge

May 20, 2013 - June 2, 2013

STAR Reading Assessment Results

Comparing the actual data of the pre and post test assessments.  Was the tutoring program effective at increasing student reading levels?

11.  Results of the action research project will be reported to staff, teachers, and principal.

1.  Christa Etheridge

August 2013

STAR Reading Assessment Results

All stakeholders will be informed of results.

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